姓名:潘云 |
学历:博士 |
职称:教授 |
研究方向:卫星重力与水文学,地下水 |
1.Pan Y, Zhang C, Gong H, Yeh PJF, Shen Y, Guo Y, Huang Z, Li X, 2017. Detection of human-induced evapotranspiration using gravity satellite observations in the Haihe River Basin of China. Geophysical Research Letters , 44(1) : 190-199. DOI : 10.1002/2016GL071287.
2.Long D, Pan Y, Zhou J, Chen Y, Hou X, Hong Y, Scanlon B R, Longuevergne L, 2017. Global analysis of spatiotemporal variability in merged total water storage changes using multiple GRACE products and global hydrological models. Remote Sensing of Environment , 192 : 198-216. DOI : 10.1016/j.rse.2017.02.011.
3.Pan Y, Gong H, Sun Y, Wang X, Ding F, 2017. Distributed estimation and analysis of precpitation recharge coefficient in strongly-exploited Beijing plain area, China. Chinese Geographical Science , 27(1) : 88-96. DOI : 10.1007/s11769-016-0839-5.
4.Wang S, Tang C, Song X, Yuan R, Han Z, Pan Y, 2016. Factors contributing to nitrate contamination in a groundwater recharge area of the North China Plain. Hydrological Processes , 30(13) : 2271-2285. DOI : 10.1002/hyp.10778.
5.Huang Z, Pan Y*, Gong H, Yeh P.J.-F., Li X, Zhou D, Zhao W, 2015. Subregional-scale groundwater depletion detected by GRACE for both shallow and deep aquifers in North China Plain, Geophysical Research Letters , 42(6) : 1791-1799. DOI :10.1002/2014GL062498.
6.Pan Y, Gong H, Xu Y, 2013. Reply to Comment on “Spatio-temporal variation of groundwater recharge in response to variability in precipitation, land use and soil in Yanqing Basin, Beijing, China”: report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2012) 20:1331–1340, by Huili Gong, Yun Pan and Yongxin Xu. Hydrogeology Journal , DOI: 10.1007/s10040-013-0994-z
7.冉全,潘云*,王一如,陈琳海,许海丽,2013. GRACE卫星数据在海河流域地下水年开采量估算中的应用. 水利水电科技进展 ,33(2):42-46
8.张本兴,潘云*,李小娟,2012. 中国不同气候区域Hargreaves模型的修正. 地理与地理信息科学 ,28(1):51-54
9.许海丽,潘云*,宫辉力,周德民,武鹏飞,2012. 1959-2000年妫水河流域气候变化与水文响应分析. 水土保持研究 ,19(2):43-47
10.任永强,宫辉力,潘云,2012. 北京怀柔应急地下水源地降水入渗补给时滞性分析. 南水北调与水利科技 ,10(6):11-15
11.Gong H, Pan Y*, Xu Y, 2012. Spatio-temporal variation of groundwater recharge in response to variability in precipitation, land use and soil in Yanqing Basin, Beijing, China. Hydrogeology Journal , 20(7): 1331-1340
12.Pan Y, Gong H, Zhou D, Li X, Nakagoshi N, 2011. Using WetSpass and GIS to analyze the impact of land-use change on groundwater recharge in Guishui River Basin, China. Chinese Geographical Science , 21(6): 734-743
13.潘云,宫辉力,李小娟,朱琳,张静,2011. 蒸散发模拟的Valiantzas方法在中国的应用. 水科学进展 ,22(1):30-37
14.李涛,潘云*,娄华君,李波,王宏,邹立芝, 2005.人工神经网络在天津市区地面沉降预测中的应用. 地质通报 ,24(7):677-681
15.潘云,潘建刚,宫辉力,赵文吉, 2004. 天津市区地下水开采与地面沉降关系研究. 地球与环境 , 32(2):36-39